There are 3 ways to respond to the Census:

1. Online at

2. Over the phone. For a list of in-language Census Bureau numbers, please click here

3. By mail. Received a paper survey in the mail? Please complete and mail it back at no charge.

Given COVID-19, the US Census Bureau has extended the Census self-response timeline to October 31. However, all Orange County residents are encouraged to respond by July 31 so as to avoid a Census taker knocking at your door.

Why is it important to Orange County that everyone is counted?

The U.S. Census is our country’s only fully-inclusive opportunity for civic participation to determine how much money and power are distributed across America.  Data gathered in this nine-question survey is used by government, businesses and nonprofits to determine funding and political representation for the next decade.

Orange County has a lot to gain… and a lot to lose.

  • In 2020, each person counted represents $20,000 over the next 10 years that will - or won’t - go into our community programs, including healthcare, schools, affordable housing, parks, playgrounds, libraries, bus lines, road repair, safety, nutrition programs, and emergency services

  • In 2020, for the first time ever, California is in real danger of losing a seat in the House of Representatives

  • Everyone—regardless of citizenship or immigration status—has the right to get counted

The 2020 Census is your opportunity to bring education, health care, housing, and political power to your Orange County community.

  • Filling out your Census form helps determine how many books and computers our kids’ schools can afford, whether seniors in our communities can afford heating in the winter, and if there are bus routes where we need them.

  • Each person who gets counted also builds political power for our communities and gives us our fair say in selecting our leaders — from the president and Congress, all the way to city council and school boards.

Want to get involved in the OC Census effort?

Please email Charitable Ventures Census Consultant Sarah Middleton at Charitable Ventures the "OC Counts" coalition have resources, materials, speaking points, response rate analysis and more to share. Learn more at